VOMS Server Post - installation

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On the VOMS server

As we set the following parameter in the glite quattor templates:


We need to manually set the mysql root password using the command (in the mysql cli):

 mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'voms.iihe.ac.be' = PASSWORD('The_Password');
 mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('The_Password');

Remove partially installed VOs:

 cd /var/glite/etc/voms-admin
 rm -rf <name of the vo>
 cd /opt/glite/etc/voms
 rm -rf <name of the vo>

Restart the corresponding ncm component

 ncm-ncd --configure glite

Publish host certicate to be fetched by other host through url (http://voms.begrid.be/voms.begrid.be.pem):

 cp /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem /var/www/html/becms.pem

And repeat this command for every VO.

Then start httpd and add it to the boot:

 service httpd start
 chkconfig httpd on

Optionnal : if you need to fill your VOMS server with a backed up mysql db:

 # /opt/glite/sbin/voms-db-load <vo_name>
 Enter password:

Make sure you type this from the repository where you have your voms-<vo_name>-<date>.sql

Anyway you can type this command also:

 mysql voms_iihe --user=<vo_name_user> -ppassword < voms-<vo_name>-<date>.sql

VOMS proxy validity extension

Add the following line in /opt/glite/etc/voms/VO_Name/voms.conf


Restart voms for VO_Name via

 /opt/glite/etc/init.d/voms restart VO_Name

Test (if VO_Name member) with command:

voms-proxy-init -valid 1000:0 -voms VO_Name

Example of output:

Enter GRID pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=BE/O=BEGRID/OU=ULB-VUB/OU=IIHE/CN=Shkelzen Rugovac
Creating temporary proxy ................................. Done
Contacting  voms.begrid.be:18004 [/C=BE/O=BEGRID/OU=BEgrid/OU=BELNET/CN=voms.begrid.be] "beapps" Done

Warning: voms.begrid.be:18004: The validity of this VOMS AC in your proxy is shortened to 345600 seconds!

Creating proxy ................................. Done
Your proxy is valid until Fri Jun 12 15:58:02 2009

VOMS support on CE


In /opt/edg/etc/lcmaps/gridmapfile

 "/VO=becms/GROUP=/becms/ROLE=lcgadmin"  becmss
 "/VO=becms/GROUP=/becms"                .becms

In /opt/edg/etc/lcmaps/groupmapfile

 "/VO=becms/GROUP=/becms/ROLE=lcgadmin"  becmss
 "/VO=becms/GROUP=/becms"                becms

Restart services

 service globus-gatekeeper restart
 service globus-gridftp restart

VOMS support on the UI

In /opt/edg/etc/vomses

 "becms" "voms.iihe.ac.be" "18002" "/C=BE/O=BEGRID/OU=ULB-VUB/OU=IIHE/CN=voms.iihe.ac.be" "becms"

Then you can issue:

 [srugovac@master ~]$ voms-proxy-init -voms becms:/becms/Role=lcgadmin
 Your identity: /C=BE/O=BEGRID/OU=ULB-VUB/OU=IIHE/CN=Shkelzen Rugovac
 Enter GRID pass phrase:
 Creating temporary proxy ................................................. Done
 Contacting  voms.iihe.ac.be:18002 [/C=BE/O=BEGRID/OU=ULB-VUB/OU=IIHE/CN=voms.iihe.ac.be] "becms" Done
 Creating proxy ................................................ Done
 Your proxy is valid until Thu Apr 20 04:13:33 2006

 [srugovac@master ~]$ voms-proxy-info --all
 subject   : /C=BE/O=BEGRID/OU=ULB-VUB/OU=IIHE/CN=Shkelzen Rugovac/CN=proxy
 issuer    : /C=BE/O=BEGRID/OU=ULB-VUB/OU=IIHE/CN=Shkelzen Rugovac
 identity  : /C=BE/O=BEGRID/OU=ULB-VUB/OU=IIHE/CN=Shkelzen Rugovac
 type      : proxy
 strength  : 512 bits
 path      : /tmp/x509up_u740
 timeleft  : 11:59:52
 VO        : becms
 subject   : /C=BE/O=BEGRID/OU=ULB-VUB/OU=IIHE/CN=Shkelzen Rugovac
 issuer    : /C=BE/O=BEGRID/OU=ULB-VUB/OU=IIHE/CN=voms.iihe.ac.be
 attribute : /becms/Role=lcgadmin/Capability=NULL
 attribute : /becms/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
 timeleft  : 11:59:52

Last things

In all kinds of nodes (?), copy the hostcert.pem of the VOMS server in /etc/grid-security/vomsdir

VOMS services to restart

service tomcat5 restart

located in /etc/init.d/tomcat5

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