From Begrid Wiki
Welcome to the BEgrid Wiki !
If you have questions, feel free to contact us : BEgrid Team
I. Information for the BEgrid users
a. High Throughput computing
- Very short introduction to grid computing
- Getting access to BEgrid as a user
- Job submission and data management with DIRAC
- Job submission and data management with gLite commands
- Job submission and data management with WS-PGRADE
- Using Spark on our grid cluster
- Using Singularity on our grid cluster
b. Cloud
- Using FedCloud with the VMOps Dashboard
- Using EGI Applications on Demand
- Mount your ULB-VUB Owncloud folder to your VMs
c. GPU
d. Tools
e. Scientific software
f. Documentation, training material, tutorials...
g. Other
II. Information for BEgrid admins
Trac Starting Points
- Formatting information
- [TracGuide Built-in Documentation]
- [TitleIndex A complete list of local wiki pages]